Looking to use VideoAsk for your company but still stay on brand? You can remove our logo and apply your own branding to your videoasks.
When you set up a brand in your VideoAsk account, you'll be able to upload your own logo, link the logo to your website, set up a custom domain for your videoask URL, and change the favicon.
Check out our pricing page to see which plan you'll need to add your own brand.
š” Tip: If you decide to restrict access to your videoask by adding a password, any branding you've added will also display on the password screen.
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Create a brand and add your own logo
Will you be creating a lot of different videoasks for your company or brand? Apply the same brand to every new videoask by creating default settings.
Note: You can upload brand logo and favicon images of up to 5MB.
Remove the VideoAsk logo
Log in to your VideoAsk account and select the videoask you want to customize. Click Build to open the videoask builder.
Click Settings.
Under Branding, select No branding.
That's it! Now no logo will be displayed on the lower left-hand corner of your videoask.
Create a brand and add your own logo
Log in to your VideoAsk account and select the videoask you'd like to customize. Click Build to open the videoask builder.
Click Settings.
Next to Branding, click the + icon to add a new brand.
Give your brand a name and click Create.
Click Upload or drag and drop to add a logo file.
Note: Only .png, .jpeg, and .gif files may be used.
Type or paste the redirect URL you want respondents to be sent to when they click your logo.
Note: The logo redirect URL has a character limit of 200. We recommend using a URL shortener if your URL has more than 200 characters.
To use your own domain for the videoask URL, enter your subdomain in the custom domain field. Then make sure to follow the rest of the instructions for setting up a custom domain.
Use of custom domains for your brand is optional. Adding a URL redirect for your logo is required.
Note: You cannot use the same custom domain in different brands and across multiple VideoAsk accounts.
If using a custom domain, you also have the option of uploading a favicon. Click Upload or drag and drop your favicon file (the icon that displays in a browser tab).
Click Save Brand.
You have now created a brand that can be used for any videoask in your organization! To add this brand to your videoask, just select it under Branding.
When selected, your logo (and custom domain, if you have set this up) will be applied to this videoask and any follow-up replies you send!
Logo tips
- Use images in .png, .jpeg, .svg or .gif format, maximum 35 px height.
- Example image dimensions by shape:
- Square - 35 px width x 35 px height.
- Landscape - 62 px width x 35 px height.
- Banner - 100 px width x 35 px height.
- Wide banner - 200 px width x 35 px height.
- Landscape images work best with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
- Add an image with a transparent background to maximize space.
- Keep contrast in mind: white or light-colored logos will stand out on dark videos, but dark images will stand out best when used in email. If you'll be using your logo in both settings, try images with light and dark elements or somewhere in the middle of the gradient.
- Rectangular images will appear larger, and circles smaller.
Edit your brand
If you want to upload a different logo or change any of your brand settings you can update a brand from the builder of any of your videoasks.
Note: Only Owners and Admins of an organization can make edits to a brand.
Log in to your VideoAsk account and select the videoask you want to edit. Click Build to open the videoask builder.
Click Settings.
In the branding section, select the brand you want to edit from the dropdown menu.
Click Edit this brand.
Make any desired changes and click Save changes.
Delete a brand
Click Build to open the videoask builder.
Click Settings.
In the branding section, select the brand you want to delete from the dropdown menu.
Click Edit this brand.
On the upper right-hand side, click the Delete button.
Type the name of your brand to confirm you want to delete it. Then click Yes, delete it.
Note: If you delete a brand currently being used on a videoask, it will revert back to the VideoAsk branding. You cannot delete the default VideoAsk and No branding options.